At St. Peter’s, there are a variety of ways in which one can aid the public worship of God, both inside and outside of liturgies.

Acolytes attend the clergy and serve in various functions in worship services. The word “acolyte” comes from the Greek word akolouthos, meaning one who follows or attends.

Acolyte roles are open to all children and youth in grades four through twelve. At St. Peter’s, acolytes serve as crucifers (those who carry the cross in procession), as well as Gospel bearers (those who carry the Gospel book in procession). Training is conducted periodically. For more information or to express an interest in serving as an acolyte, please contact The Rev. Dr. Kyle Babin, Assistant Rector.

The Altar Guild prepares the Bank Barn and Historic Church for worship on Sundays and other special occasions. Activities include changing furnishings for each liturgical season, setting out communion vessels, polishing brass, and cleaning up after services. For more information, please contact

The Flower Guild is comprised of a talented group of individuals who arrange flowers for each worship service. In addition to Sunday Eucharists, the Flower Guild occasionally provides flowers for funerals and other special services. For more information, please contact

Lay Eucharistic Ministers consist of laypersons especially trained and licensed to assist the clergy with administration of Holy Communion. At the 8:00 and 11:15 a.m. services, Lay Eucharistic Ministers also function as acolytes in carrying the cross in procession and assisting at the preparation of the Altar before Communion. For more information, please contact

Lectors and Intercessors read assigned Scripture lessons and Prayers of the People for services. Training is provided. For more information, please contact

Sound Technicians ensure that sound amplification is available for all services in both the Barn and Historic Church. For more information, please contact

Ushers are responsible for greeting and welcoming people at all services, as well as handing out service leaflets and providing other assistance as needed. For more information, please contact