St. Peter’s offers pastoral care to those in need in a variety of ways. Our priests are happy to visit anyone at home or in the hospital. To make your need known or to receive pastoral assistance, please contact one of our priests.

The Pastoral Care Commission meets regularly to ensure that all who are in need are receiving visits and appropriate pastoral care. The Commission seeks to live out the St. Peter’s mission statement “to nurture people of all ages” by offering prayer, care, compassion, and support to our parishioners in their life journeys, according to their spiritual and physical needs. Such support happens in a variety of ways such as hospital and home visits, offering rides to parishioners, or providing meals in times of need. For more information, please contact

The Needlework Ministry is a gathering of individuals (both parishioners and non-parishioners) who meet once a month for fellowship, conversation, and knitting. Knitters create prayer shawls as a tangible sign of St. Peter’s prayer for all in its web of relations. Knitters also make baptismal blankets and chemo caps. All are welcome to attend this ministry. For more information, please contact or visit our Facebook page.

The Parish Prayer List is updated weekly and printed as an insert in the Sunday service bulletin. It includes prayers for individuals who have requested prayer, as well as prayers for the state of the world and the Church. To submit a prayer request, please contact or use the form below.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors are sent forth from Sunday Eucharists with the Sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood (the consecrated Bread and Wine from the Holy Eucharist) to those who are homebound and unable to attend church. We believe that “we who are many are one body, because we all share in one bread, one cup.” To arrange for a Eucharistic visit, whether by laity or clergy, please contact

You can submit your pastoral care needs using the form below.